Ask Pastor Adrienne

3 min

God is Pro-Life

Updated: Dec 14, 2023


Dear Pastor,

I’m stunned by the violence and lawlessness of pro-abortion activists. Don't they know God is pro-life?


I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from where shall our help come? Our help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow our foot to slip; He who keeps us will not slumber” (Psalm 121:1-3, NASB.)

No, they apparently don't.

The Lord is soundly and forever on the side of the sanctity-of-life (because “thou shalt not murder” is one of his Ten Commandments.) While God has many complex qualities and thinks differently than the average Christian in the pew (he has more grace, for instance), God cannot and will not violate what he has already decreed. “Be fruitful and multiply,” he said to the human beings he made (Genesis 1:28.) God did not say, “Be fruitful when it’s convenient. And you have my blessing to kill it when it’s not.”

It’s safe to say that God will never align himself with the act of aborting our children; the pro-abortion activists; the abortion doctors themselves; their so-called health clinics; the pro-choice legislators; political parties and deceived voters.

God is, however, on the side of rescue, restoration and forgiveness. He rescues the victims if he can, and he heals their repentant, grieving mothers who made a terrible choice in a moment of fear and pain. God is also called “The Lord Sabaoth” (Romans 9; James 5)—the unseen, yet powerful military general fighting alongside everyone who works to save the millions who have no voice.

Biblical accounts warn us of the consequences incurred when cities, nations and individuals mock God’s statutes, decrees and laws…let alone destroy what he creates in his own image. A human being is made in God’s image and planned by the Lord according to the Bible. He or she is then conceived with a destiny and plan from God—to thrive as he would have it…or not, in the case of miscarriage. Either way, lives inside the womb are God’s planned people and his business alone. To reach a murdering hand into that realm is treading on holy ground, to say the least.

I’m thinking about a story of two cities whose evil became so commonplace and so unchecked, they were wiped off the map in one night. The prophet Jeremiah gives us some insight: “They commit adultery and walk in lies; they also strengthen the hands of evildoers so that no one turns back from his wickedness. All of them are like Sodom to Me; and her inhabitants like Gomorrah” (Jeremiah 23:14.) Interestingly enough, the famous destructions of Sodom and Gomorrah were not only about demonic sexual appetites. We see in the verses above that the lies and deceptions were key components as well. Like saying, for example, “abortion is a woman’s right to healthcare” instead of the truth: “abortion is murder.” Or saying, “we’re protecting women’s rights” instead of the truth: “we don’t protect the child she creates with her freedoms.”

Like most Christians, I never thought I’d live to see the day when evil brazenly ran the streets of America quite like this. It’s up to the Believers in Christ to be praying, petitioning the Lord for mercy and taking action in any way we can. We must stop circling our wagons inside our comfortable church communities while chatting in politically-correct sound bites to support the live-and-let-live mentality toward the sinner next door. Because embryos, babies and infants are piling up on humanist altars in heaps now. Our future is being murdered. It’s up to us to pray-forth the next wave of God, vote pro-life and do what we can to support the organizations, individuals and programs out there fighting this fight.

Clearly the value of human life is waning as we watch yet another school massacre unfold on live television. The mentality behind killing children begins with the legislated murder of those in the womb. Life has little value in our lawless society. Now is the time to stand strong in Christ, vote against abortion-supporting political parties and pray. If we repent as a nation, God will hear our prayer and heal our land.

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